Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the poem and do the activities.
Spring to winter
Buds and shoots are pushing up
Flowers opening to the sun
Bright green freshness everywhere
Lambs and ducklings having fun
Kites are flying on the wind
Sudden showers make us run.
These are things that tell us when
Spring’s here again.
Days that last a long, long time
Children swimming in the sea
Ice cream in the hot bright sun
Shining leaves on every tree
There’s no school so every day
All my friends can play with me.
These are things that tell us when
Summer’s here again.
Leaves are falling on the ground
All the trees drop their disguise
Squirrels gather up their nuts
Sleepy creatures close their eyes
Days are short: afternoons and
Mornings have much darker skies.
These are things that tell us when
Autumn’s here again.
Stars like snowflakes in the sky
Robins sit on leafless trees
All the children wish for snow
Waiting for the lakes to freeze
Cheeks and noses turn bright red
Many people start to sneeze.
These are things which tell us when
Winter’s here again.
Gillian Craig
Do you like this poem? Tell us about the different times of the year in your country!