Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the poem and do the activities.
The way to the park
Do you know where the new park is?
I’ll tell you if you like.
It’s not too far and you can walk
Or get there on your bike.
Turn left at the school front gate
Go along the road, and then
On the left you’ll see a house
With a duck pond and a hen.
When you see the library
It’s time to cross the street.
Find a place that’s safe to cross
Use your brain before your feet!
The bakery is on your right
And on your left you’ll see
The supermarket and the bank
And an old enormous tree.
Go past the tree and there’s a bridge
Go over it and don’t stop.
You’re nearly there, it’s very near
Past the florist and bookshop.
Turn right at the cinema
And then you’ll see the park.
It’s not too big and not too small
We can play until it’s dark.
So come along, and meet my friends
And meet my brother too.
I hope you find the park today
It’s fun to play with you!
Gillian Craig
Do you like this poem? Can you give directions to a place in your town? Tell us about it!
Yes, I like this poem.
There is a store near my house. I will tell you how to go to it from my house. First, turn right and go along the street. And do it five times. Then, you will get to the store. But be careful when you are going to cross the road. There are many cars and cycles there. I like that store very much. There are so many things to buy and they are cheap as chips so we don't have to spend lots of money. Go try it in that store.