Feelings are feelings

How do you feel today? Listen to a song called Feelings are feelings and sing along.


Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the song and do the activities.


Sometimes I am happy, 

Sometimes I am sad, 

Some days I feel good,

Others I feel bad.


Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings.


Sometimes I get excited, 

Sometimes I don't, 

Some days I want to dance, 

Other days I don't.


Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings.

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings. / Come and go, come and go.


Sometimes I am hungry,

Sometimes I am thirsty,

Some days I feel angry, 

Other days I'm calm.


Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings are feelings,

Feelings are feelings.

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings are feelings, / Come and go, come and go,

Feelings are feelings. / Come and go, come and go.


What makes you happy, sad, excited or angry? Tell us about it!

Average: 4 (28 votes)

Submitted by BrilliantRuby5000 on Tue, 17/10/2023 - 15:01


when I go t school, I get happy

Submitted by PrincessTrumpetTabla on Sun, 26/03/2023 - 04:04


I am happy when I hug my mother. :) I am sad when I win a place that is not 1st one. :( I am angry when my family gives me something that I don't like. /:( I am excited when I receive a present.

Submitted by GreatWooden8 on Wed, 08/02/2023 - 19:40


it was good i learned from it

Submitted by PrincessTrumpetTabla on Fri, 06/01/2023 - 00:02


Hi MissInternetEarth,
The greeting you gave to me likes me very much! I am very excited about your salute given to me!!!!!!!
Happy days,

Submitted by PrincessTrumpetTabla on Wed, 04/01/2023 - 19:34


There are 4 days that give me depression or sadness. But today I'm happy because maybe my aunt Per (Perla) could come. And I'm not as nervous as yesterday.

Hi PrincessTrumpetTabla,
I hope that today is a good day for you! 😊
Best wishes,
LearnEnglish Kids team

Submitted by SecretDiamond90 on Wed, 28/12/2022 - 19:55


Sometimes I am happy

Submitted by HorridSeaT-Rex on Sun, 18/09/2022 - 19:42


i love my birthday because i have presents some of the presents is storys because i love reading

Submitted by HelloSongSong on Fri, 20/05/2022 - 12:42

I am Happy when I get Presents.(●'◡'●) I am sad When girls or boys annoy me.( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ) I am angry When boys beat me up.(⓿_⓿) I am excitet When I go to Space.(◔◡◔)

Submitted by ProfessorCuteJacket on Sat, 11/09/2021 - 14:28

mom birthday on 26 septumper

Submitted by BrightSeaLily on Tue, 24/08/2021 - 12:28

I am feeling happy now.

Submitted by CaptainJurassic40 on Mon, 19/07/2021 - 12:55

you like that song

Submitted by CaptainJurassic40 on Sat, 10/07/2021 - 04:02

I like that song

Submitted by CaptainChocolate5000 on Thu, 29/04/2021 - 16:59

My feelings: i get excited when i got a present, i am angry when i Need to do shower, i am hungry and thirsty After play. I am Happy when i play at school. This are my feelings i likes song

Submitted by MissRockForest on Sun, 25/04/2021 - 05:24

My feelings board Happy-when I go to a trip to hotels and travel to another country’s Sad-when I did something that make my parents yell at me Mad-when someone broke my favourite toy Scared-when an insect appears in my eyes

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