Watch the story and then do the activities.
There were lots of magic 'e' words in this story. What was your favourite word? Do you know any other magic 'e' words? Write a comment and tell us!
This game is very nice because I have scored 8 out 8 (100%). I love this game. That is a balloon burst game. In my school, the story book had a the magic show. Whom she called 'e.' I love this game. Do you love this balloon burst game? The cub changed into a cube. Cube means it is the an ice. The pin changed into a pine tree. The children had learn other words too. That is, war became ware and , her became here and, cod became code and, cut became cute and last is, hug became huge. I love magic show. The magician show the magic. I have saw in the story. Do you learnt all the letters in all the words?