Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the activities.
LUCA: Yes! I won!
LUISA: You're too good!
LUCA: So are you! Shall we play again?
LUISA: Nah, let's play something else. Do you know what hopscotch is?
LUCA: No, no idea!
LUISA: Great! So, today we're going to learn how to play hopscotch!
LUISA AND LUCA: Let's do it!
LUCA: So, what do we need to play hopscotch?
LUISA: We only need three things: a place to play, chalk and a stone.
Before we start, we have to draw ten squares. Each square must be big enough for your foot. You start like this. One …
LUCA: Two …
LUISA: Great! Now we need to write the numbers in each square, from one to ten.
LUCA: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
LUISA: OK! Now we can play!
LUCA: But what do I do with the stone?
LUISA: You throw the stone onto square number one, then you hop or jump onto all the squares, except on the square with the stone. Easy, right?
LUISA: Great! Then turn around, go back and pick up the stone.
LUCA: There you go, it's your turn! Wait a minute. Who wins?
LUISA: Well, after you do number one, then two, then three … the winner is the person who gets to number ten first!
LUCA: Oh! So I'm gonna win!
LUISA: We'll see!
LUCA: Huh, I didn't know I could lose a turn so easily.
LUISA: Yes, you miss a turn if you step on the line or you throw the stone outside the right square.
LUCA: OK. But it's a draw, isn't it?
LUISA: Mmm … yes, well played!
We hope you have fun playing hopscotch!
LUISA: Remember! To play hopscotch:
- draw ten squares
- write the numbers one to ten
- throw the stone onto square number one
- hop and jump
- play again with the other numbers.
That's it! Now you can play hopscotch.
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