Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the activities.
MELISA: Can I borrow a pencil, please?
LUCA: Yes, of course.
Where is it? I think my school bag's a little bit messy!
MELISA: A little bit, yes! Today we're going to show you how to organise your school bag.
MELISA AND LUCA: Let's do it!
MELISA: Step one: take everything out of the bag.
LUCA: Done! Bottle, lunchbox, apple, diary, textbooks, notebook, folder, pencil case, um … rubbish?
MELISA: Step two: throw away the rubbish.
LUCA: Don't forget to recycle!
MELISA: Step three: put all your school books in a pile.
LUCA: This is starting to look better!
MELISA: Yes! Now step four: organise your pencil case.
First clean it. Then check that the pens work and the pencils are sharp. And finally put all your things back in.
Cool! Now you can put everything inside the school bag.
LUCA: Great!
MELISA: Put the books in first, then the lunchbox, the pencil case and the apple on the top.
Here's your bottle; put it at the side.
LUCA: Oh! Thank you!
MELISA: Now there's only one step more.
LUCA: What is it?
MELISA: Go to school!
LUCA: Of course!
MELISA: Remember! To organise your school bag:
- take everything out of the bag
- throw away the rubbish
- put all your school books in a pile
- clean and organise your pencil case
- put all your things back in.
That's it! Now you can organise your own school bag.
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It was a very good video but can you please update more? Thank you